Life's a Game. Play to Win.

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Live The Self Reliant Way

Self-ownership | Self-development | Self-mastery

Talk To Anyone - Free

Learn the 4 fundamental tenets of successful communication. Focus your thoughts, speak effectively and strengthen relationships.

Download The Guide

Reframe Blame - Free

Stop allowing your past to define your future. Turn failures into victories and adversity into strength so you're always the hero of your story.

Take The Challenge

Free Your Speech - Paid

The only online communication program designed specifically for "alternative" thinkers. Learn to tame fear, use nerves to your advantage, and harness your natural gifts. Be heard and understood when it matters most.

Enroll In FYS

The Self Reliant Way - Paid

A masterclass for nonconformists. Use my Matrix Key System to achieve anything you want and avoid the intense societal pull toward mediocrity. Develop empowering habits, crush your goals, and live with purpose.

Enroll In SRW
S E L F  R E L I A N T  W E E K L Y 

Climb UP The Rabbit Hole

Deep examinations of life, timeless wisdom & your role in this story.

7 Money Beliefs That Kept Me Poor

Jun 01, 2024

Poetry is DEAD (and I Know Why)

May 18, 2024

Marijuana Is A Drug (Fact of Fiction?)

May 11, 2024

Porn's Plan For YOU

May 04, 2024

How To Get Lucky On The First Date (& why you shouldn't)

Apr 20, 2024

Life's Only Guarantee (Conquering Death in Life)

Apr 13, 2024

Mastering the Game (Strategies for Personal Triumph)

Mar 02, 2024

The Human Hierarchy Of Needs

Feb 24, 2024

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Feb 10, 2024

More Entries
A B O U T  M E

Who Is Benny Wills?

Silver-tongued bard obsessed with Truth.

Hi, I'm Benny.

I've traveled the world as a poet and emcee, co-created the comedy YouTube channel JoyCamp, and coached hundreds of students on effective communication and self-reliance.

With the right tools, you can exceed your expectations of what's possible for your life — beyond your wildest dreams.

There are countless problems in the world, but the biggest tragedy of all is the unrealized potential of almost every person here.

I challenge people to "wake up" in the most powerful sense of the term: to themselves.

If you want to work with me one-on-one and join the 5% of people who (truly) live life on their terms, fill out this questionnaire, and I will reach out to you.

Life's A Game. Play To Win. Be UNDENIABLE.

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