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Porn's Plan For YOU

mens coach mens program May 04, 2024
Benny Wills
Read time: 6 minutes


We’re living in an age of degeneracy.

Hedonism is all the rage. Flaunted as freedom. Touted as progress.

If it feels good it IS good!

Did you know that every month, more people visit the pornographic website,, than TikTok, Amazon and Reddit? (Pornhub, XNXX and pornhamster aren’t far behind.)

It’s estimated that 84% of guys between ages 13 and 18 have already watched porn.

(For men over 18, it’s probably closer to 100%.)

Porn consumption has never been higher. And it’s never been easier to access.

Anything your twisted, perverted mind can think of, you can find somewhere online. In less than a minute. For free.

The majority of the men I’ve worked with the last few years have grappled with a porn addiction at some point in their lives.

And I’m no exception.

It’s a beast. One that I wrestled with for a decade.

It’s behind me now. Luckily. But it was harder to quit than marijuana, alcohol or cigarettes.

Pornography is masculinity’s kryptonite. Over the past half century, it has plagued the world and infected the minds of billions of men.

But I don’t need to tell you that. It’s not like it’s a hidden fact. We all know it’s a problem.

There are hundreds of videos and articles online to help you stop “fapping.” So if you’re struggling with slaying the dragon, first, know that you are NOT ALONE, and second, there are a lot of resources available to help you defeat it.

I overcame my porn habit. But I don’t have a method to share. I don't have a step-by-step solution to help you quit.

I found the strength within. I conquered it through sheer determination and willpower.

I was disgusted with myself. I felt ashamed every time I watched it. As soon as I was done, I couldn’t get what was on the screen off the screen fast enough.

For me, the silver bullet, the straw that broke the camel’s back, was knowledge.

I decided to learn more about pornography. About its history and those who produce, purvey and push it.

And I was scared straight.

It’s one of the darkest rabbit holes there is. And I’ve explored many of them.

Pornography is guilty of many things. Not the least of which is the normalization of the sexualization of children.

In 2014, the number one search term on all pornographic websites was: teen porn. Today, it’s still in the top 10. Another popular search is, “barely legal.”

But it gets much worse.


Nudie Mags

In 1983, a study was conducted analyzing images from Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler magazines.

The study concluded that between 1953 (when Playboy debuted) and 1982, approximately 9,000 images of children involved in sexual situations were published in those magazines. That breaks down to (on average) 8-9 images per issue.

Images of molestation, incest and child rape. Oh, and murder too.

Nine thousand images. Mostly cartoons. Month after month. Casually and strategically embedded in between interviews, articles and full page spreads of naked women.

Programming at its filthiest finest.

This was exposed 41 years ago. WAY before the internet. When it took more than a few clicks to get your rocks off.

Here are some not-so-fun facts about a few of the men behind the aforementioned magazines.

  • In 1989, the head cartoonist for Hustler went to prison for raping his daughter.
  • Hustler founder, Larry Flynt, raped his daughter when she was 9 years old.
  • Hugh Hefner, the man behind Playboy, (allegedly) repeatedly had sex with with one of his daughter’s high school classmates.

In 1971, Reader’s Digest published an article called, What Sex Offenders Say About Pornography. The article cited the FBI’s uniform crime reports stating that:

“Between 1960 and 1969 the number of forcible rapes committed by males under 18 had increased by 86%. It could be concluded that some force impelling toward sex crime has been operating on younger males in the United States.”

Hmmm. Could that force possibly be the hyper-sexualizing of men and boys through pornographic imagery?

Nah, probably a coincidence.

Magazines like Playboy are stepping stones into further perversion. They serve as gateways to more hardcore content.

I should know. I got my hands on my first Playboy when I was only 12. By 14, I was watching softcore porn on Cinemax (or Skinemax for those familiar). And by 18 I was consuming hardcore pornography via VHS tapes. Then, DVD’s. Then, with high speech internet, the all-you-can-eat buffet of free porn online.

Can you relate?

Porn addiction may start off “innocent” enough. By innocent I mean basic sex between a man and a woman. But if you don’t keep yourself in check, you can quickly get bored with the more “vanilla” stuff, and turn to kinkier and more erotic scenes.

You want more, more, more. Your appetite never quite satiated. It’s an unquenchable thirst. One that ultimately leads many to search terms like “teen porn” and “barely legal.” Or worse.

(Probably because we're meant to make love, not pound it out at a computer. And images on a screen can’t possibly satisfy what your body really wants.)

I was never in danger of going dark with my curiosity. Probably because I only ever had one hand in the cookie jar. I was still dating and even having sex with women. Porn for me was like a friends-with-benefits type situation. Not a serious relationship.


Deadly Consequences

Hours before his execution notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy, gave one final interview. In it he had this to say about pornography:

“Once you become addicted to it, like other kinds of addiction, you keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something which is harder, something which gives you a greater sense of excitement, until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping off point where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it will give you that which is just beyond reading about it and looking at it.”


“I’ve lived in prison for a long time now, and I’ve met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence, just like me. And without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography, without question, without exception, deeply influenced and consumed by an addiction to pornography.”

Does this mean that porn addiction turns all men into pedophiles, criminals and serial killers? Of course not. But it’s worth noting nonetheless.



A popular hashtag amongst the youth on TikTok is #KinkTok. It has over 6.9 billion views. Billion. With a B. Another one is #choke, which has 375.5 million views.

Today, glorified sexual violence is rampant on social media. Rough sex is being glamorized. Rape is fantasized.

Hollywood certainly isn’t helping either. A movie called Poor Things just won 4 Oscars and has a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s literally about a child in a woman’s body having sex with older men.

I could go on. There’s a lot more to share. But I’m feeling icky and I’d rather hang out with my wife and kids.



In Conclusion

Pornography is poison. It destroys self-confidence and cheapens sex. (At the very least.)

Not to mention erectile dysfunction. Which is usually just a synonym for porn addiction.

The porn problem has gotten way out of control. And I have no idea how or when it’s going to stop.

But I do know that change always starts at the individual level. Personal responsibility and accountability. 

There is no such thing as a healthy porn habit.

Men, if you’re masturbating to porn. Stop. You know better.

For your sons, your daughters and your wives. For women and children everywhere. For all that is sacred and holy and decent.

For your own integrity. And in service to solving a problem that’s pervasive and destroying lives all over the world.

If you need support, click here to book a call with me.

One of my greatest Self Reliant Way successes so far was in helping a guy overcome a severe addiction to porn.

Perhaps I can help you too.

Now go outside and breathe in some fresh air.

Until next time.

Much love,


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