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The Healing Power of Gratitude

mens coach mens program self reliant way Dec 02, 2023
Self Reliant Way Men's Program Benny Wills
Benny Wills

Read time: 3 minutes


Life events can disrupt consistency.

Just as I was starting to get into the flow of writing these newsletters, BAM, we went and had another baby.

I'm sleep deprived and up to my eyeballs with three boys, 3 and under. But in the interest of not losing momentum on something I started (and am determined to see through), here is another entry!

Wallace Wills was born on November 22nd at 2:02 p.m.

He's healthy, happy, and obsessed with his mom.

Thank God for his safe arrival.

In the spirit of giving thanks, I'd like to extend more gratitude.

I am thankful for:

  • My life 
  • My wife
  • My 3(!) sons
  • My friends
  • Our incredible midwife
  • All the things I take for granted (food, clean water, shelter, etc.)
  • And YOU

I have a mighty following.

Thank you for sticking with me throughout the years. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and trust. I appreciate it so much, and I don't take you for granted.

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gratitude is an action, not a feeling. You must express it to feel it.

We all suffer the slings and arrows of life. The hard knocks. Misfortune. Heartbreak. Broken promises. Sudden loss. 

Also, tyrannical government. Societal insanity. Normalized toxicity. 

And yet, there is still so much to be grateful for.

There is no peace of mind without gratitude.

I’m of the belief that everything can teach us something. There is strength in difficulty. Lessons in loss. Wisdom in failure. And so on.

The highs of life are sweeter because of the lows.

I know I’m risking cheesiness by writing about the importance of gratitude. But some of y’all need to hear it. 

I’ve worked with a ton of people in the last few years. The real pandemic of the 2020's is hopelessness.

Symptoms include:

  • Cynicism

  • Apathy

  • Loneliness

  • Bitterness

  • Depression

  • Frustration

  • Alcoholism

  • Porn addiction 

  • No Direction  

  • No Purpose

  • & more

The woes of the world have beaten a number of people into submission. They’re frozen, like deer in headlights. Addicted to information and overwhelmed by evil.

I go more in depth about this epidemic HERE

But I digress.


Here are a few of the many proven benefits of expressing gratitude:

  1. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have.

  2. Gratitude can lower stress, reduce depression, improve sleep quality, and enhance immune function.

  3. Gratitude can help you appreciate others. This creates more positive atmospheres and promotes deeper bonds.

  4. Gratitude can help build resilience and coping skills. In the face of adversity, focus on things you are grateful for. This can help you find meaning or lessons in difficult situations.

  5. Gratitude can boost self-esteem. Recognizing and appreciating your strengths and achievements can boost your self-confidence.

  6. Practicing gratitude can make you more present in the moment and mindful of the things that bring you joy.

  7. Gratitude can inspire acts of kindness and generosity. When you are grateful for what you have, you are more likely to extend that gratitude by helping others.

“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.” - Rumi

Admittedly, I’m not much of a journaler. So I’m not the person to tell you how to start a “gratitude journal.” But I do know there’s no wrong way to do it.

I write down my top 10 goals every morning, and if I’m feeling a little funky emotionally, I’ll list 5 things I’m grateful for.

Sometimes I'll do what I call a Gratitude Frenzy. I’ll set a timer for one minute and rapid-fire everything I’m grateful for. Without pausing to think about what I want to say. 

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

- Melody Beattie

If you’re struggling with hopelessness or any of its accompanying symptoms, let’s talk.

There are a few spots opening for The Self Reliant Way.

CLICK HERE to book a call today.

Ok, back to parenting and taking care of my wife.

Until next time.

Much love,


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