Gain control of your mind, your time + your future.

Wake up feeling excited. Start living with clarity, determination and a roadmap. With the simple steps inside The Self Reliant Way, you become the architect of your own life and a role model for excellence in a broken world.

How many will benefit when you step into your power and start living your true purpose?

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But don't take my word for it.


"Benny changed my life by helping me conquer myself. He helped me realize who I was, who I didn't want to be, and who I wanted to become."


"Benny gave me a structure for things I didn’t realize give me a sense of meaning."


"Self Reliant Way helped to find everything that I needed. I feel much better as person, as a business owner, as a husband, as a father. It helped me with all the aspects of my life."


"Benny changed my life by helping me conquer myself. He helped me realize who I was, who I didn't want to be, and who I wanted to become."


"Benny gave me a structure for things I didn’t realize give me a sense of meaning."


"Self Reliant Way helped to find everything that I needed. I feel much better as person, as a business owner, as a husband, as a father. It helped me with all the aspects of my life."


"Benny helped me understand what kind of motivation I needed to reach my goals but also to find those goals."


"Self Reliant Way helped clarify my goals. I realized that only I can help me. It’s my inner drive that going to get me what I want."


"I have direction in life. I have goals, I have plans, I have purpose. I know what I’ve got to do. I’m excited because I’m now starting my life. Thanks to Benny."


"Benny helped me understand what kind of motivation I needed to reach my goals but also to find those goals."


"Self Reliant Way helped clarify my goals. I realized that only I can help me. It’s my inner drive that going to get me what I want."


"I have direction in life. I have goals, I have plans, I have purpose. I know what I’ve got to do. I’m excited because I’m now starting my life. Thanks to Benny."


The Self Reliant Way

This is right for you if:

  • You want purpose.
  • You want to overcome vices (i.e. marijuana, kratom, alcohol, pornography, your phone).

  • You want to be around people who share your values and perspectives.

  • You find yourself regularly stressed out about finances. 

  • You dream of quitting your job and starting your own business. But don't know where to start.

  • You want to help but don't know what to do.

  • You procrastinate and mismanage your time. 

  • You’re frustrated when people won't listen to your perspective.

  • You're already successful, but your life lacks meaning.


Yes, it is possible

In The Self Reliant Way, you’ll learn how to build a life that is both prosperous (by your definition) and aligned with your deepest convictions.

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I wish I'd known this sooner... 

For most of my life, I had no roadmap. And I was proud of it. I used to brag that I was like Tarzan, swinging vine-to-vine. I thought “plans” always fell through, so better to set “intentions.” To hope for the best, and adjust along the way. 

But that is not the path to freedom.

I spent my time researching and seeking the truth about reality. The shadow forces keeping humanity enslaved. Not only that, I used what I knew for what I’d adopted as my personal mission: To relieve people of their suffering. 

I created the conscious comedy YouTube channel JoyCamp.

I traveled the world performing poetry at and emceeing truth and freedom events.

I earned a seat at the table with some of the greatest minds of our time.

And while I felt great about starting a family with the woman of my dreams,

I was prone to vices to escape the ugliness I observed in the world - first marijuana, then kratom.

I felt anxious because my creative talents didn’t pave a clear path to financial stability.

I didn’t know if my vine-swinging was actually leading to a good life. Or if, in my mid-30's, my best days were already behind me.

A little voice inside said, You are better than this and no one is coming to save you.

Then finally – finally – I stopped telling myself that I could figure everything out on my own. Or even that I had to. 

And so,

I immersed myself in the biographies of significant people. People of impact. Whose names stand the test of time. From Marcus Aurelius to Ralph Waldo Emerson. As well as modern titans of the 20th and 21st centuries.

I spent $20K+ for coaching and mentorship. 

I shifted my focus from what’s wrong to what’s possible.

I stopped obsessing over things beyond my control. I was honest with myself about my bad habits and the unhelpful stories I’d been telling myself.

For the first time, I took full responsibility for everything. Every detail and every circumstance. I analyzed my emotional tendencies and overall attitude.

And you know what?

  • I went from broke to being my own boss, supporting a family of 5 and working from home. 
  • I overcame anxiety, depression and chronic insomnia. 
  • I kicked marijuana and kratom addictions. 

And that’s not all.

  • I went from feeling powerless against disturbing trends and agendas in the world to excited to contribute.

I had a life-altering realization:

The road to freedom starts with freeing yourself. 

So I mined it all. My experiences. The timeless wisdom that echoes through the ages. The best of what my mentors and coaches had offered to me. 

And I forged a path for contrarians. 

To leave the rabbit hole without losing integrity.

To move from inaction to action.

From overwhelmed to enthusiastic. 

From black-pilled to ful-filled.


Video Poster Image

You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Future?

I will teach you how to make a fundamental shift in how you see yourself and your place in the world —leading to a life of freedom, fulfillment, and self-reliance.

 You can go from:

  • Lack of purpose → Headed toward your true calling
  • Overwhelmed by the world's problems → Empowered and excited to contribute
  • Struggling with addictions → Mastering self-control
  • An unfulfilling job → Satisfying work
  • Loneliness and disconnection → Meaningful relationships
  • Stuck and unhappy → Optimistic and joyful



The Who (You Are Here)

Honestly excavate and clear beliefs that are holding you back.

Take a long hard look in the mirror. Identify what is no longer serving you. Isolate it. Eradicate it. 

Challenge your lens on reality (hey, you’ve done it before).

The paradigm shift that initiated massive progress in my life.

Learn the attitudes and behaviors that make you unstoppable.


The What (Who You Could Be / What Do You Want)

Gain clarity on what you want to create in your life and in the lives of others.

  • Your finances
  • Your work
  • Your relationships
  • Your health
  • Your spirituality

Create a compelling vision for your future. 

Construct your vision—what future must you avoid?


The How (Make Your Vision A Reality)

Learn the tools, methods and frameworks behind history's most successful people. 

This is the boots-on-the-ground, what’s it gonna take to get you there phase. 

I teach you the tools and tactics you’ll need. Then we work together to apply them toward your immediate goals. 

You’ll know exactly what you need to do each day to reach the next milestone.

And the program is yours to keep, so you can tackle future goals with confidence. 

The road to freedom has nothing to do with external forces.

To live free, you must first overcome the ideas, habits and behaviors that enslave you. 

In other words: to change the world, change your world. 

Apply your skills, talents and life experience toward contribution and service. This is the road to freedom. For yourself and others.

  • Spend more time doing what you want to be doing.
  • Serve humanity instead of judging them.
  • Stop letting your talents and abilities atrophy.
  • Pursue a worthy ideal instead of helping someone else’s dream come true.
  • Live authentically + powerfully, and attract the right people.
  • Get out of bed in the morning feeling excited about the day. And waste no more time.
  • Most importantly, know what progress looks like and feels like. Because you have direction and purpose.


Lifetime Access to Self Reliant Way course 

The program ends after 12 weeks, but you'll have the modules and calls available to reference and review.

Free Your Speech: The Art Of Communication (formerly Parrhesia) - $497 value

As an added bonus, you'll get access to my program, Free Your Speech. FYS equips you with the tools you need to be effective in your communication (regardless of your audience). You'll learn how to conquer stage fright and gain an arsenal of techniques and tactics so you can express yourself when it matters most.


"I realized the potential that was always present within myself. I only see endless possibilities ahead of me now. I honestly feel that every challenge that I’m faced with seems a little bit easier now."


"Benny's going to provide you and empower you with the tools and personalized feedback where you can wildly exceed your dreams and expectations."


"Benny’s really great at sensing your hidden reservations, things that may be holding you back, as well as your hidden talents and abilities—some things you may not even be aware of."


My Guarantee to you

 If you ...

  • - Spend at least 5 hours per week consuming and engaging with course materials 
  • - Attend all live coaching calls (or watch the recordings)

Then I am 100% confident that you will have clarity on your goals, be on track to accomplish them and know exactly what you need to focus on moving forward.

 I cannot promise your dream life in 12 weeks. (Run from anyone who tries to.) Rather, I can give you everything you need to pursue and meet meaningful goals for the rest of your life. 

Should you meet the expectations above and somehow not gain clarity, the first thing to do is reach out to me directly and ask for help.

Full SRW Curriculum

12 Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Benny

24 / 7 Support

SRW Community Access

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Still unsure if this is for you?

I used to think: I need to wake up the world.

It’s impossible. You can’t. (and what does that even mean?)

But you CAN have an impact on people's lives.

If you:

Are committed to your own self-development.

You help people in ways that only you can.

You become a beacon. 

Then, you can have influence on people that I can’t have and vice versa. 

After working with hundreds of clients, I’ve come to the conclusion: The biggest tragedy on earth is the unrealized potential of almost every person here.

I can help you if you:

  • Are frustrated that you're living a life misaligned with your values.
  • Feel lost, overwhelmed, and dissatisfied with life.
  • Struggle with addiction, anxiety about the state of the world and frustration with unfulfilling jobs or relationships.

I’ve been there. And the steps I teach in The Self Reliant Way have given my life structure. 

When I was drifting as a free spirit I had anxiety about where I was going.

Now I know that the more you give, the more you get. 

And I know the process inside The Self Reliant Way is activating. 

As people become activated they become more powerful. If you have power, influence and you’re helping others, then:

you are the resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions 

No, this isn't the power of positive thinking.

No, this isn’t self-help platitudes.

No, this isn’t therapy. 

And yes, this will challenge your default settings.

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Still have questions?

I struggled with the FAQ to be honest because the questions I get are so personal and varied. And that's ok - I want you to feel confident that what you're looking for is inside this program, or that it isn't for you. That's why when you DM me on Telegram, you'll be messaging with me personally.